Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hmmm, upgrades.

Okay, now that I have some down time, I'll delve into what I/we have been up to as of late.

Things have been very busy around here. I've made some improvements to my property since the end of August. I've gotten heavier curtains to put up, they don't let shadows through. I took a more, clandestine approach to the whole static disruption property "He" exhibits, I've modified baby monitor receivers and placed them in several rooms around the house, crude but cheap. I've had a decently sized wooden fence put up around the back of the house. It may not completely block the view of "undesirable individuals" but it serves its other purpose quite well, keeping the dog from running off.

I actually was planning on getting her sooner but things just got busy, I forgot certain days, I'm human sue me. She's a four year old German Shepard named Sam. Her previous owner had her well trained and she seems to have transitioned well into our house, though she shows some hesitance when I take her out back, I really don't blame her. Overall, it's nice to finally have someone friendly around the house while Jessie's at school.

The past two weeks have not been without their encounters. Last week I was taking Sam out for a walk when she started acting very agitated. I look around and at the far end of the park, I'd say a good hundred yards away, there he was. The park was very busy, some kind of family picnic or something, but no one seemed to notice the tall creepy dude just standing near the entrance to the baseball field. I took Sam home, for some reason, the encounter did not shake me at all, in fact I kinda laughed cause it made me think of a cartoon that Jessie watches. One of the characters says "What's he doing?" and the other one replies, "He's just standing there, MENACINGLY!"

On another note, I've been having some interesting phone conversations with a woman named Amanda. She says that Pastor Scott called her and that she wants to talk to me. While I'm wary about some random ass person just calling me out of the blue, I could do with some answers. But enough typing outta me, I've got food in the oven and I will not have it burn on me again.  


Skyylar said...

Glad to see you're ok.

Zane Andrews said...

I'd like to think I'm harder to get rid of than most. Confidence ain't always a bad thing.

Skyylar said...

confidence is good when in doses. Don't let it get to you, though.

The Jade Rabbit said...

...Take care of the dog OK? I had a cat who was sort of my early companion in all of this.

Someone nailed her to a wall. It wasn't pretty.

Just watch the dog OK?